A powerful, fail-proof tip for English language learners to transform desire into successful results.

If I got a dollar from everyone that’s told me they wanted to learn English, I’d be writing this blog from my private beachside villa. But in the end, only a few will turn their dream of fluent communication in English, into reality.

So why do so many fail?

They don’t have a goal. Deciding on a specific objective is vital. It’s great to imagine yourself communicating fluently in English because this gives you inspiration. But we also need a clear goal to accompany that vision. We must decide exactly what we want to achieve and when we want to achieve it. When we have answered these questions, we have created a ‘finish line’ to run toward.

Be realistic

We have to be realistic with our goal. There’s a lot of “magic pill” sellers on the internet. You’ve seen the videos and articles. They say ‘Go from beginner to fluent in 30 days!‘. Nothing is impossible, but for most people with busy lives this is extremely unlikely. Unrealistic goals can produce feelings of frustration which demotivate us and cause us to stop trying.

3 simple steps to set a goal.

1. Pick Your Goal

Maybe you want to study in Canada, hold a conversation in English, or understand your English speaking workmates at lunch together. If your goal is really far from your current level, break it up into smaller goals. For example, a beginner who wishes to achieve C2 level proficiency, should choose a goal that is achievable in the near future, such as completing a beginner’s course, or maintaining a consistent study habit for a specific period of time.

2. Consider Your Timeframe

Calculate how much time you can devote towards learning English in a typical week. Then estimate how much progress you can expect to make if you maintain that rhythm. A course book can help you plan this. This will help you set a realistic time period in which to accomplish your goal.

3. Write It Down and Carry It

Finally, keep a record of your goal. Write it on a piece of paper. Cover it in transparent tape and keep it with you all the time, so you can take it out of your pocket a few times a day and look at it. Think about it with a calm, positive attitude and observe how your mind naturally guides you towards it.

Every time you touch that piece of paper in your pocket or bag, you will remember your goal and the simple truth that ‘we become what we think about‘. If you think about your goal a few times a day, everyday, the goal becomes your destiny. It’s that simple.

My own goal.


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